> Business Fusion, Known as the New Business Networking

> Business Fusion, Known as the New Business Networking

Businesses operate within broad ecosystems

Business Fusion, Known as the New Business Networking  

Fusion denotes the erasure of boundaries between traditionally distinct industries, enabled by companies’ newfound ability to access technology and talent that spreads across boundaries. It requires businesses to move beyond industry silos and recognise they are operating within broad ecosystems, requiring rethinking of capabilities, brand, partnerships and its entire existence. Businesses embracing this convergence or fusion are capitalising on symbiotic relationships by reconsidering: 

  • Scope of customer insights beyond their industry of origin 
  • Cross-industry competitors and partners relevant to their business
  • Participation beyond traditional industries in ecosystems 

To put it simply, traditional boundaries between industries are disappearing, signaling a great fusion of once disparate industries. Consequently, brands are transcending from being isolated entities to becoming members of far-reaching ecosystems. Many companies, even those that are leaders in their industry, are being compelled by this wave of fusion to find new ways to establish themselves in these much broader ecosystems—or risk being disrupted by new competition. Many leading brands are now asking themselves: “What business are we in and how do we move outside the conventional constructs and redefine who we are?”